Sunday, August 30, 2015

A few years back I was in a panic, basically I was out of business as part of my business is selling my raku pottery and my kiln all of a sudden it seemed would not work!   I would turn it on and within a few minutes my propane fueled raku kiln would start to sputter and go out leaving the propane coming into the kiln.

My son Sky cleaned and  dissembled the regulator and the burner and put back.  I called the propane company and they came out and tried to  help but didnt,   I talked with the regulator people that were all technical and gave me all this complicated information about btu etc.  Got a new regulator just like the old one.  Still didnt work.  Someone said how old is you raku kiln and maybe you need to replace.

This is what happened.  I had noticed holes in the floor of the hand-made kiln and filled them.  I had also put down some fiber blanket to "make more fuel efficient"  but actually that is what started the problem I think.  I holes made it work just fine!  I didnt really know the basics of how a kiln really worked I guess, and like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"  each machine is indvidual, is an individual!

Anyway,  I have what I call a "rice bag".  This is a long sewn bag about 2 fts of so, filled with rice and made so the rice stayed in 3 sections (sewn into 3 parts).  I had bought this originally and had a friend make many of them to gift and use in the family as it is great on aching muscle, and stiffness.   Heat it in the microwave for 2 or 3  minutes, lay across you neck and shoulders or tie with soft belt around the hips.

 Sooooooo.....  I wrapped one around the regulator because in the HOT AND HUMID SUMMER  it would now freeze up.(I touched where the regulator and hose to kiln connect and was icy)   Not winter and not any other time!  I was back in business!

By the way, where I bought them Linens and Things is out of business and if you dont sew or have a friend who sews they sell them on   Even if you dont need for your kiln, you, neck, shoulders, back,legs, and cold bed will love them!  :-)

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